Construction Project Supply Chain Infrastructures™

Commercial Bid Standards
We advocate and adopt protocols and procedures in support of independent and secure technology standards for the connectivity and automated exchange of financial information between buyers, construction service providers and suppliers who have individual privacy objectives, limited technology resources and a diverse range application interfaces supporting existing processes and procedures.

Solutions are required to support secure connectivity to isolated elements of the Supply Chain Infrastructure by a diverse range of users including the buyer’s team members, several contractors and construction service providers with tiered [or confidential] connectivity for equipment and material suppliers via their respective service provider buyer.

Allow construction buyers to build a team of individual entities connected to a common technology infrastructure where they collaborate on and/or around a scope of work, initiate a call for proposals and submit bids electronically to be automatically analyzed based on established trade standards.

Extensions include centrally managed communications, confidential bid processing and capital expense analysis with real-time price and availability updates processed automatically through the supply chain infrastructure upon user request or responsive adjustment anywhere within the supply chain.

Partners participate in the design and development of standards for various construction industry segments based on existing trades standards, and those established and approved by participating members of the organization and our community.

Technology Service Provider Members offer development services and inexpensive technology solutions for construction professionals with cloud based and site specific options that comply with the combined standards.