In a testament to the limitations of Governments’ insights into technology, its cost and capabilities, Kansas state IT Officials under Gov. Jeff Colyer’s administration is scraping $10 Million dollars of computer equipment purchased by his predecessor in what was once an effort to develop a centralized storage system dubbed GovCloud because they concluded the project was cost-prohibitive.
Jeremy Murtishaw, CEO of Fortify 24×7 has been managing network infrastructures and security for nearly three decades said, “its easy to underestimate the manpower and development requirements of every technology endeavor from the underlying infrastructure requirements to managing day-to-day security required to assure client confidence in these systems, even professionals can get it wrong.
Anthony de Kerf, President of BidForms adds, “our own development teams are comprised of professionals from six to eight different disciplines to assure Developer and Deployment Partners are given the tools they need to accurately forecast cost. The different disciplines cross the chasm of technology and non-technology experts that only begin with the various levels of construction buyers, information technology from hardware to software, cybersecurity and from each construction trade who all have a stake in the standards we established to assure end-to-end continuity that facilitates the industry’s transition into the digital age.”
A spokesperson Sacha Christos for RFQ Guides a BidForms Development Partner says, “while BidForms established the standards we follow in developing technology for the construction industry, our software development teams are highly dynamic and must be adjusted as the requirements change form one trade to another because the needs for both buyers and users are different in every trade. The performance requirements of IT is different even across public and private construction buyers. Development for one trade is not the same for the next and vary widely when applied between residential and commercial construction projects. Development cost for a single trade can be well over $1 Million and there are more than 100 construction trades digital technology solutions must address.”
Indeed, such cost are prohibited even to contractors who’s expertise is notably not in technology. The benefits of building independent solutions by experts in their respective fields is that the cost can be distributed universally across an entire industry sector on a use-case basis to assure affordability and permit industry wide adoption without compromising quality or functionality.