Technology Membership

Technology Service Provider Members include software engineers, developers and systems integrators who specialize in developing technology around the process and procedures of various construction industries, trades and specialties.

Technology Members commit to the development, improvement and/or following standards and protocols for the secure authenticated and automated exchange of information between dissimilar entities established by the organizations collective.

Registered Subscribers receive a quarterly email to follow developments and announcements, news and advancements in each membership category, trade and/or field of technology.

Technology Memberships include

    • Steering Committee Membership
      Denotes Developmental Participation in the Establishment & Adoption of Standards
      See Construction Steering Committee Methods &Guides
    • Technology Membership
      Technology members are committed to following established development standards for the confidential exchange of pre-build project specifications and contractor price data.
    • Technology Partners
      Partner’s provide funding, design, development, deployment support and/or resources. Actively participates in design and development of standards and the deployment of technology for the secure exchange of confidential information within the construction project supply chain ecosystem.

Steering Groups

(Subscriber Status = Observer Only)

Bid Form Steering Group Members participate in development of technology standards and methods for the communication and exchange of confidential financial data between participants of dissimilar interest in the Construction Project Supply Chain Infrastructure.

Areas of Interest (sample)

      • Ecosystem Communications: Buy-Side / Supply-Side
      • Automated Analytics and Analysis
      • Exchange Update Request and Processing
      • Forms, Formats & Layouts UI/UX
      • Access Management and Authentication
      • Transitioning Technology and Connectivity
      • Project Status: Cradle to Grave Management
Participation highlights the Technology Company (or individual) as a thought leader in development of future technology and standards that advance the construction industry by connecting potential contractors who compete (via price bids) to the Buyers Construction Project Supply Chain Infrastructure.

Technology Members represent the developers interest by establishing standards and best practices for the development of technology that address the specific requirements of construction project buyers and contractors.

As a Steering Group Member, you’ll proudly display the BidForms Technology SP Plaque to demonstrate you’re a Though Leader participating in advancing Construction Technology. Separate BidForms Membership Plaques apply to participating companies and individuals who participate independent of a company’s affiliation.


Defines the technology company and qualifying Individuals as those committed to developing software solutions for the exchange of pre-build design specifications and cost models based on standards and formats established by industry thought leaders and experts.

Solutions are certified to include the various types and roles of construction projects and ecosystem users. Technology Members develop solutions to recommended construction design specifications, professional standards, formats and best practices, regulations, industry and manufacturer standards and related documents.

A BidForm Member Plaque displayed on a Technology Service Providers website and marketing material indicates the organization, as a Technology Service Provider Member offers Product Solutions and/or Services that are verified and/or certified to observe both established standards and one or more Eco-System Service Levels.

Benefits of Technology Memberships

    1. Recognized Thought Leader in Construction Technology
    2. A Pioneer of Technology in Construction
    3. Acknowledged Commitment to Established Standards
    4. Inside Information on Industry Process and Procedures
    5. Access to Construction Industry Thought Leaders
    6. Early Adopter Early to Market Advantages
    7. Participate in Extending Industry Standards
    8. Identify Potential Markets by Trade, Specialty and Proficiency
    9. Digital Contractor Qualifications SDK
    10. Digital Qualification Profile Analysis SDK

Distinguish your firm as a construction project supply chain infrastructure solution provider. Assure the construction supply chain ecosystem that your solutions adhere to established standards.


Partner’s provide funding, design, development, deployment support and/or resources. Actively participates in design and development of standards and the deployment of technology for the secure exchange of confidential information within the construction project supply chain ecosystem

Technology Partners are accredited early adopter of standards for the development and deployment of technology in construction. They have access to the entire construction project eco-system and may participate in multiple steering groups and topics depending on their field of interest and extent of commitment to developing market solutions.

Technology Partners work closely with the Organization, its Members, Steering Groups and other Partners to define standards around characteristics of the construction project supply chain infrastructure.

They design and develop market solutions for the automated exchange of pre-build specifications and expense data between construction buyers, contractors and other service providers who work within real estate markets and ecosystem.

The assistance of Technology Partners benefits technology, real estate, construction and finance industries by establishing the requirements and developing solutions that interconnect various industries to a common objective at different levels of market demand and complexity.

Software development firms and independent engineers interested in becoming a BidForms Partner should reach out to our Partner Liaison who will put you in touch with the appropriate Technology and Organization members. Please include relevant details on your interest, type of developer or firm and/or scope of developing construction industry specific solutions.